Back to School updates

Important Dates:

Meet the Teacher: Thursday, August 24th, 4:30-6 pm. This will be a quick opportunity to drop off any school supplies, see where your classroom is, and say hello to your teacher.

First Day of School: Tuesday, August 29th, Doors open at 7:50, and school begins at 8 am. The day ends at 2:30, and buses leave at 2:35 pm. Parent drop-off and pick-up will again take place on the backside of the building. Students are not to be dropped off early. We have no extra supervision for this; we appreciate your cooperation.

Beginning the second week of school (Wednesday, September 6th), All Wednesdays will be an early release at 1 pm for OPE. If you have students in other buildings, please note that those release times are slightly different based on their staggered start times.

NO SCHOOL: Friday, September 1st, and Monday, September 4th 

Picture Day: September 15th

Please watch for important mail to arrive during the week of August 14th. It will include the exciting news of who your teacher will be, along with the district calendar and the school supply list.