Applying for Employment: Come Work at the Beach!
Ocean Beach School District accepts all applications through TalentEd Recruit & Hire.
Click on the link above to view open positions and to complete the application process.
ESD 112 Jobs at Ocean Beach School District are open. Please Apply Here.

If you are interested in Special Education positions, including entry level Para-Educator, please click on the link below and then click on the bright red banner titled "Job Opportunities" on the ESD Employment page. You will then be able to view a list of current openings for the Special Education Departments and School Districts that are serviced by ESD 112.

Substitute Employment:
Bus Driver and Custodial Substitutes
Please apply through Ocean Beach School District: OBSD/TalentEd Link
Other Substitutes including Teachers, ParaEducators, and Food Service
Please apply through our partner, ESS Substitute Services: ESS Substitute Services
Please apply at ESS.com then select "Job Seekers" then type in "Ocean Beach School District" and select "Substitute Teacher."

Learn more about our area:
Link to Long Beach Peninsula/Pacific County, Washington Information:
For questions regarding employment with Ocean Beach School District, please contact: Human Resources, Phone (360) 642-3739 or Email.
The Ocean Beach School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
Ocean Beach School District is an E-Verify Employer
Civil Rights Compliance and Title IX Coordinator
Liza Sejkora
State and Fed. Programs Director
PO Box 778, Long Beach, WA 98631
tel. 360-642-3739.
Section 504/ADA Coordinator
Amy Huntley
PO Box 778, Long Beach, WA 98631
tel. 360-642-3739.